Dr. Harald Lang

Adresse: Technische Universität München
Institut für Informatik
Boltzmannstr. 3
85748 Garching
Raum: 02.11.061
Telefon: +49 (0)89 / 289-17277
E-Mail: harald.lang@tum.de
Bürozeit: Termine nach Vereinbarung

Research Interests

  • In-memory database management systems
  • Query processing on heterogeneous system architectures
  • Index structures
  • Real-time analytics and stream processing


Advised / supervised theses

  • Approximative Data Aggregation on GPUs
    Maximilian Springer (2018)
  • Evaluation of Lightweight Index Structures for Main-Memory Database Systems
    Alexander Beischl (2017)
  • Evaluation and Comparison of Data Processing Frameworks for Approximated Geometries in 2D Space: Google S2 and Extended Split Index
    Christian Smutek (2017)
  • Efficient In-Browser Query Processing
    Chaoran Chen (2016)
  • Aggregation on Coupled CPU-GPU Architectures with Unified Main Memory
    Moritz Sichert (2015)
