Query Optimization
Query optimization is addressed shortly in Database Systems, this lecture looks at a broader topic of optimization techniques. It concentrates on the central issues like join ordering and access path selections, but gives an overview of the whole query processing machinery. The main goals of the lecture are twofold: First, to learn different optimization techniques, which are also relevant in other areas. And second, to get an understanding how queries are processed and why queries are fast or slow.
- Chapter 1: Introduction
- Chapter 2: Textbook Query Optimization
- Chapter 3: Join Ordering
- Chapter 4: Accessing the Data
- Chapter 5: Physical Properties
Exercise session:
- Session 1: Introduction
- Session 2: Logical Optimization
- Session 3: Query Graphs; Size of the Search Space
- Session 4: GOO, IKKBZ
- Session 5: MVP, DP
- Session 6: DP
- Session 7: Randomized algorithms
- Session 8: Metaheuristics
- Session 9: Order-preserving joins
- Session 10: Quick Pick
- Session 11: Yao formula
- Session 12: Query unnesting
- Session 13: Concluding remarks
You can work on exercises in teams of two students. Specify names of both participants when submitting
- Exercise 1: Due October 20
- Exercise 2: Due November 3
- Exercise 3: Due November 10
- Exercise 4: Due November 17
- Exercise 5: Due November 24
- Exercise 6: Due December 1
- Exercise 7: Due December 8
- Exercise 8: Due December 15
- Exercise 9: Due December 22
- Exercise 10: Due January 12
- Exercise 11: Due January 19
TinyDB with a simple SQL parser: TinyDB
- J.D. Ullman. Database and Knowledge Base Systems. Computer Science Press, 1989.
- T. Özsu and J. Blakeley. Modern Database Systems. Addison Wesley, 1995.
- H. Garcia-Molina and J.D. Ullman and J. Widom. Database System Implementation. Prentice Hall, 1999.
- P. Gassner, G. Lohman, and K. Schiefer. Query optimization in the IBM DB2 family. IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin, 16:4 18, Dec. 1993.
- S. Chaudhuri. An Overview of Query Optimization in Relational Systems. PODS, 1998
- G. Moerkotte. Building Query Compilers. (draft)